#!/bin/bash origin_app_name="charles-proxy" app_name="charles" tmp_dir="/tmp/${app_name}_tmp" version="4.6.5" release="v${version}" replace_name="charles-nj" patch="Architecture: amd64" _type="amd64" if [ "$1" == "nj" ]; then _type="all" app_name+="-nj" replace_name="charles" patch="""Architecture: all Depends: java11-runtime""" fi deb_url="https://www.charlesproxy.com/packages/apt/pool/main/c/charles-proxy/${origin_app_name}_${version}_${_type}.deb" # 创建临时目录, 用于下载官方包 if [ -d $tmp_dir ]; then rm -rf $tmp_dir fi if [ -d "./unpack" ]; then sudo rm -rf ./unpack fi if [ -f "./${app_name}_${version}.deb" ]; then rm "./${app_name}_${version}.deb" fi mkdir $tmp_dir # 创建临时待打包目录 echo "创建待打包目录..." mkdir -p "./unpack/DEBIAN" mkdir -p "./unpack/usr" source_dir="${tmp_dir}/${app_name}" echo "下载官方原包..." wget $deb_url -O "${tmp_dir}/${app_name}.deb" echo "下载完成, 解包中..." dpkg-deb -R "${tmp_dir}/${app_name}.deb" "${tmp_dir}/${app_name}" echo "解包完成, 复制到待打包目录..." mv "${source_dir}/usr" "./unpack/" rm -rf $tmp_dir echo "复制完成, 创建可执行文件及程序桌面入口文件..." echo """ #!/bin/bash -e ###################################################################### # Charles Proxy startup script # # Find Charles lib directory CHARLES_LIB="/usr/lib/charles-proxy" GDK_SCALE=1 java_bin=java if [ -d "\$CHARLES_LIB/jdk" ]; then export JAVA_HOME="\$CHARLES_LIB/jdk" java_bin="\$CHARLES_LIB/jdk/bin/java" fi # HiDPI if [[ \$DESKTOP_SESSION ]]; then case \$DESKTOP_SESSION in xfce) GDK_SCALE=\$(xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gdk/WindowScalingFactor) ;; cinnamon) GDK_SCALE=\$(/usr/bin/gsettings get org.cinnamon.desktop.interface scaling-factor | awk '{print \$2}') ;; gnome) GDK_SCALE=\$(/usr/bin/gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor | awk '{print \$2}') ;; esac elif [[ \$GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID ]]; then GDK_SCALE=\$(/usr/bin/gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor | awk '{print \$2}') else if [ -x /usr/bin/xfconf-query ]; then GDK_SCALE=\$(xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gdk/WindowScalingFactor) elif [ -x /usr/bin/gsettings ]; then GDK_SCALE=\$(/usr/bin/gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor | awk '{print \$2}') fi fi export GDK_SCALE # Launch Charles \$java_bin \\ -Xmx1024M \\ -Dcharles.config="~/.charles.config" \\ -Djava.library.path="\$CHARLES_LIB" \\ -Djdk.gtk.verbose=true \\ -Djdk.gtk.version=3 \\ -jar \$CHARLES_LIB/charles.jar \\ \$* """ > ./unpack/usr/bin/charles chmod +x ./unpack/usr/bin/charles rm ./unpack/usr/bin/charles4 sed -i -e 's/charles4/charles/; s/com-xk72-charles-gui-MainWithClassLoader/Charles/' ./unpack/usr/share/applications/charles-proxy.desktop echo "文件复制完成..." echo '计算文件md5中...' cd ./unpack find usr/ -type f | xargs -I {} md5sum {} > DEBIAN/md5sums IFS=$'\t' read -ra size <<< "$(du -d 0)" echo """ Package: ${app_name} Version: ${version} ${patch} Maintainer: Yutent Section: non-free/develop Breaks: ${replace_name} Replaces: ${replace_name} Priority: optional Installed-Size: ${size[0]} Homepage: https://www.charlesproxy.com/ Description: 一个网络抓包调试工具, 内置java-11 runtime。 Charles is an HTTP proxy / HTTP monitor / Reverse Proxy that enables a developer to view all of the HTTP and SSL / HTTPS traffic between their machine and the Internet. This includes requests, responses and the HTTP headers (which contain the cookies and caching information). """ > DEBIAN/control echo '计算文件md5完成, 打包中...' cd ../ sudo chown -R root:root unpack dpkg-deb -b ./unpack "./${app_name}_${version}.deb" sudo rm -rf ./unpack echo "打包完成 :)"