
chenjiajian 2023-04-24 18:20:00 +08:00
parent a548620931
commit 7204e9fb1f
2 changed files with 227 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ import '//jscdn.ink/@bd/ui/latest/icon/index.js'
<div><wc-icon name="upload"></wc-icon><h3>upload</h3></div>
<div><wc-icon name="user"></wc-icon><h3>user</h3></div>
<div><wc-icon name="vip"></wc-icon><h3>vip</h3></div>
<div><wc-icon name="warn"></wc-icon><h3>warn</h3></div>
<div><wc-icon name="warning"></wc-icon><h3>warning</h3></div>
<div><wc-icon name="wallet"></wc-icon><h3>wallet</h3></div>
<div><wc-icon name="windows"></wc-icon><h3>windows</h3></div>

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@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
> 通过鼠标或键盘输入字符。
### 基础用法
<wc-lang slot="javascript">
import '//jscdn.ink/@bd/ui/latest/space/index.js'
import '//jscdn.ink/@bd/ui/latest/form/input.js'
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### 尺寸大小
5种尺寸规则的输入框, 如果不满足自己的需求, 可以自行设置`width`和`height`。
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### 状态
文本框有2种状态, `readonly``disabled`, 这2种状态下, value值都无法被修改。
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<wc-lang slot="css">
wc-input{ width:250px; }
### 圆角和插槽
`round`属性, 可以让输入框变成圆角。
2.`slot=append` 后置插槽<br/>
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padding:0 10px;
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### 可清空
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import '//jscdn.ink/@bd/ui/latest/form/input.js'
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<wc-lang slot="css">
wc-input{ width:250px; }
### 搜索建议
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import '//jscdn.ink/@bd/ui/latest/space/index.js'
import '//jscdn.ink/@bd/ui/latest/form/input.js'
document.querySelector('wc-input').addEventListener('fetch-suggest', e => e.send(list))
const list = [
{ "value": "三全鲜食(北新泾店)", "address": "长宁区新渔路144号" },
{ "value": "Hot honey 首尔炸鸡(仙霞路)", "address": "上海市长宁区淞虹路661号" },
{ "value": "新旺角茶餐厅", "address": "上海市普陀区真北路988号创邑金沙谷6号楼113" },
{ "value": "泷千家(天山西路店)", "address": "天山西路438号" },
{ "value": "胖仙女纸杯蛋糕(上海凌空店)", "address": "上海市长宁区金钟路968号1幢18号楼一层商铺18-101" },
{ "value": "贡茶", "address": "上海市长宁区金钟路633号" },
{ "value": "豪大大香鸡排超级奶爸", "address": "上海市嘉定区曹安公路曹安路1685号" },
{ "value": "茶芝兰(奶茶,手抓饼)", "address": "上海市普陀区同普路1435号" },
{ "value": "十二泷町", "address": "上海市北翟路1444弄81号B幢-107" },
{ "value": "星移浓缩咖啡", "address": "上海市嘉定区新郁路817号" },
{ "value": "阿姨奶茶/豪大大", "address": "嘉定区曹安路1611号" },
{ "value": "新麦甜四季甜品炸鸡", "address": "嘉定区曹安公路2383弄55号" },
{ "value": "Monica摩托主题咖啡店", "address": "嘉定区江桥镇曹安公路2409号1F2383弄62号1F" },
{ "value": "浮生若茶凌空soho店", "address": "上海长宁区金钟路968号9号楼地下一层" },
{ "value": "NONO JUICE 鲜榨果汁", "address": "上海市长宁区天山西路119号" },
{ "value": "CoCo都可(北新泾店)", "address": "上海市长宁区仙霞西路" },
{ "value": "快乐柠檬(神州智慧店)", "address": "上海市长宁区天山西路567号1层R117号店铺" },
{ "value": "Merci Paul cafe", "address": "上海市普陀区光复西路丹巴路28弄6号楼819" },
{ "value": "猫山王(西郊百联店)", "address": "上海市长宁区仙霞西路88号第一层G05-F01-1-306" },
{ "value": "枪会山", "address": "上海市普陀区棕榈路" },
{ "value": "纵食", "address": "元丰天山花园(东门) 双流路267号" },
{ "value": "钱记", "address": "上海市长宁区天山西路" },
{ "value": "壹杯加", "address": "上海市长宁区通协路" },
{ "value": "唦哇嘀咖", "address": "上海市长宁区新泾镇金钟路999号2幢B幢第01层第1-02A单元" },
{ "value": "爱茜茜里(西郊百联)", "address": "长宁区仙霞西路88号1305室" },
{ "value": "爱茜茜里(近铁广场)", "address": "上海市普陀区真北路818号近铁城市广场北区地下二楼N-B2-O2-C商铺" },
{ "value": "鲜果榨汁(金沙江路和美广店)", "address": "普陀区金沙江路2239号金沙和美广场B1-10-6" },
{ "value": "开心丽果(缤谷店)", "address": "上海市长宁区威宁路天山路341号" },
{ "value": "超级鸡车(丰庄路店)", "address": "上海市嘉定区丰庄路240号" },
{ "value": "妙生活果园(北新泾店)", "address": "长宁区新渔路144号" },
{ "value": "香宜度麻辣香锅", "address": "长宁区淞虹路148号" },
{ "value": "凡仔汉堡(老真北路店)", "address": "上海市普陀区老真北路160号" },
{ "value": "港式小铺", "address": "上海市长宁区金钟路968号15楼15-105室" },
{ "value": "蜀香源麻辣香锅(剑河路店)", "address": "剑河路443-1" },
{ "value": "北京饺子馆", "address": "长宁区北新泾街道天山西路490-1号" },
{ "value": "饭典*新简餐凌空SOHO店", "address": "上海市长宁区金钟路968号9号楼地下一层9-83室" },
{ "value": "焦耳·川式快餐(金钟路店)", "address": "上海市金钟路633号地下一层甲部" },
{ "value": "动力鸡车", "address": "长宁区仙霞西路299弄3号101B" },
{ "value": "浏阳蒸菜", "address": "天山西路430号" },
{ "value": "四海游龙(天山西路店)", "address": "上海市长宁区天山西路" },
{ "value": "樱花食堂(凌空店)", "address": "上海市长宁区金钟路968号15楼15-105室" },
{ "value": "壹分米客家传统调制米粉(天山店)", "address": "天山西路428号" },
{ "value": "福荣祥烧腊(平溪路店)", "address": "上海市长宁区协和路福泉路255弄57-73号" },
{ "value": "速记黄焖鸡米饭", "address": "上海市长宁区北新泾街道金钟路180号1层01号摊位" },
{ "value": "红辣椒麻辣烫", "address": "上海市长宁区天山西路492号" },
{ "value": "(小杨生煎)西郊百联餐厅", "address": "长宁区仙霞西路88号百联2楼" },
{ "value": "阳阳麻辣烫", "address": "天山西路389号" },
{ "value": "南拳妈妈龙虾盖浇饭", "address": "普陀区金沙江路1699号鑫乐惠美食广场A13" }
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### 完整APIs
| 属性 | 值类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| :-: | :-: | :-: | - |
| value | String | 无 | 输入框绑定值 |
| type | String | 无 | 输入框类型, 仅能决定输入框的颜色, 无额外作用, 可选值有: `primary、info、success、warning、default、secondary、danger` |
| size | String | default | 输入框尺寸, 可选值有: `xxxl、xxl、xl、l、m` |
| autofocus | Boolean | false | 输入框的加载状态, 为`true`时, 输入框会自动获得焦点 |
| disbaled | Boolean | false | 输入框的禁用状态, 为`true`时, value不可更改 |
| readonly | Boolean | false | 输入框的只读状态, 为`true`时value不可更改。|
| icon | String | 无 | 为输入框设置后置图标 |
| round | 无 | 无 | 为输入框设置大圆角半径。 不需要赋值 |
| maxlength | Number | 无 | value最大输入长度 |
| minlength | Number | 无 | value最小输入长度, 不足最小长度时,不触发`submit`事件 |
| placeholder| String | 无 | 输入框占位文本 |
| clearable | Boolean | false | 是否可清空内容 |
| lazy | Number | 0 | 为输入框设置节流防抖, 单位毫秒, 设置一个大于0的值之后, 在指定毫秒之内, 无法多次触发`input``submit``fetch-suggest`事件 |