199 lines
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199 lines
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# es.shim
> `es.shim` is an extend module for letting you can use some future api in current Node.js version.
> Also some useful api for you.
+ Obejct
* empty()
+ Obejct.prototype
* merge()
+ Array.prototype
* includes()
+ Date
* isDate()
+ Date.prototype
* getFullWeek()
* getWeek()
* format()
+ String.prototype
* splice()
* htmlspecialchars()
* tohtml()
* xss()
* escape()
* padStart()
* padEnd()
+ global
* gmdate()
* empty()
## Usage
### 1. Object.prototype.merge()
let obj1 = {a: 123, b: 456}
let obj2 = {a: 22, c: 44}
let obj3 = {c: 11, e: 55}
// now obj1 is {a: 22, b: 456, c: 44}
// nothing to obj2
o1.merge(o2, o3)
// obj1 will be {a: 22, b: 456, c: 11, e: 55}
// nothing to obj2 & obj3
### 2. Object.empty()
Object.empty({}) // true
Object.empty({a: 213}) // false
Object.empty([]) // true
Object.empty([null]) // false
Object.empty([undefined]) // false
### 3. Array.prototype.includes()
let arr = [1, '3', 54, 32, 'foo']
arr.includes(1) // true
arr.includes(3) // false
arr.includes('bar') // false
arr.includes('54') // false
### 4. Date.isDate()
Date.isDate(new Date()) // true
Date.isDate({}) // false
Date.isDate(['bar']) // false
Date.isDate('foo') // false
### 5. Date.prototype.format(format)
> `format` can be these below:
> - Y (with century) eg. 1970,2017
> - y (without century) eg. 70, 117
> - m month, 01-12
> - n month, 1-12
> - d date, 01-31
> - j date, 1-31
> - H hours 00-23
> - h hours 00-12
> - G hours 0-23
> - g hours 0-12
> - i minutes, 00-59
> - s seconds, 00-59
> - W how many weeks from 01-01 this year
> - w how many weeks from 01 this month
> - D week name, like Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
new Date().format() // default 2017-02-08 12:11:23
new Date().format('Y-m-d') // 2017-02-08
new Date().format('Y/n/j') // 2017/2/8
new Date().format('Y年n月j日 第W周') // 2017年2月10日 第6周
new Date('Wed Feb 10 2016 23:34:04 GMT+0800 (CST)').format() // 2016-02-10 23:34:04
new Date('2016-08-10T13:14:44.000Z').format() //2016-08-10 21:14:44
new Date(1470834884000).format('') //2016-08-10 21:14:44
### 6. String.prototype.splice(start, len[, fill])
- start `<Integer>`
- len `<Integer>`
- fill `<String>`
let str = 'Hello baby';
str.splice(0, 5) // return ' baby'
console.log(str) // nothing tostr, so it return 'Hello baby'
str.splice(0, 5, 'Love') //return 'Love baby'
str.splice(6, 0, 'world, ')// return 'Hello world, baby'
str = str.splice(6) //return 'Holle '
### 7. String.prototype.htmlspecialchars([sign])
> Just like php's function - `htmlspecialchars`
- sign `<String>` (ENT_QUOTES/ENT_NOQUOTES)
let str = `<script>alert('hello world')</script>`
str.htmlspecialchars() // <script>alert('hello world')</script>
str.htmlspecialchars('ENT_QUOTES') // <script>alert('hello world')</script>
### 8. String.prototype.tohtml()
let str = `<script>alert('hello world')</script>`
str.tohtml() // <script>alert('hello world')</script>
### 9.global.empty()
empty('') //true
empty(null) //true
empty(undefined) //true
empty([]) //true
empty({}) //true
empty({a: 123}) //false
empty(0) //true
empty('0') //false
empty(1) //false
### 10.global.gmdate()
> Base on Date.prototype.format
gmdate() // 2017-02-08 12:11:23
gmdate('Y-m-d') // 2017-02-08
gmdate('', 1470834884000) //2016-08-10 21:14:44