File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -8,31 +8,32 @@
'use strict'
import 'drag/index'
import './skin/def.scss'
import './skin/default.scss'
Anot.ui.layer = '1.0.0-base'
let layerDom = {}
let layerObj = {}
let unique = null //储存当前打开的1/2/3类型的弹窗
let unique = null // 储存当前打开的1/2/3类型的弹窗
let lid = 0
let defconf = {
type: 1, // 弹窗类型
skin: 'def', //默认主题
icon: 1, //图标类型
skin: 'default', // 默认主题
background: '#fff',
mask: true, //遮罩
maskClose: false, //遮罩点击关闭弹窗
radius: '0px', //弹窗圆角半径
mask: true, // 遮罩
maskClose: false, // 遮罩点击关闭弹窗
radius: '0px', // 弹窗圆角半径
area: ['auto', 'auto'],
title: '提示', //弹窗主标题(在工具栏上的)
menubar: true, //是否显示菜单栏
title: '提示', // 弹窗主标题(在工具栏上的)
menubar: true, // 是否显示菜单栏
content: '', // 弹窗的内容
fixed: false, //是否固定不可拖拽
offset: null, //弹窗出来时的坐标, 为数组,可有4个值,依次是 上右下左
btns: ['确定', '取消'] //弹窗的2个按钮的文字
fixed: false, // 是否固定不可拖拽
shift: 'cc', // 弹窗出来的初始位置,用于出场动画
offset: [], // 弹窗出来后的坐标, 为数组,可有4个值,依次是 上右下左
btns: ['确定', '取消'] // 弹窗的2个按钮的文字
const uuid = function() {
return 'layer-' + ++lid
return 'layer-' + lid++
const close = function(id) {
if (typeof id !== 'string' && typeof id !== 'number') {
@ -50,20 +51,24 @@ const close = function(id) {
layerObj[id].show = false
} catch (err) {}
} else {
unique = null
try {
// document.body.removeChild(layerDom[id][1])
unique = null
layerDom[id][0].style.opacity = ''
layerDom[id][1].style.opacity = 0
setTimeout(_ => {
delete layerDom[id]
delete Anot.vmodels[id]
}, 200)
} catch (err) {}
delete layerDom[id]
delete Anot.vmodels[id]
const repeat = function(str, num) {
var idx = 0,
result = ''
let idx = 0
let result = ''
while (idx < num) {
result += str
@ -77,215 +82,47 @@ const fixOffset = function(val) {
return val
const __layer__ = function(opt) {
if (opt) {
let { yes, no, success } = opt
delete opt.yes
delete opt.no
delete opt.success
state: { ...opt },
props: { yes, no, success }
const _layer = {
alert: function(content, title, cb) {
let opt = { content, fixed: true, icon: 5 }
if (typeof title === 'function') {
opt.yes = title
} else {
if (title) {
opt.title = title + ''
if (cb && typeof cb === 'function') {
opt.yes = cb
return _layer.open(opt)
confirm: function(content, title, yescb, nocb) {
let opt = { content, fixed: true, icon: 0, type: 2 }
if (typeof title === 'function') {
opt.yes = title
if (typeof yescb === 'function') {
opt.no = yescb
} else {
if (title) {
opt.title = title + ''
if (yescb && typeof yescb === 'function') {
opt.yes = yescb
if (nocb && typeof nocb === 'function') {
opt.no = nocb
return _layer.open(opt)
toast: function(content, type, timeout, cb) {
// if (typeof opt !== 'object') {
// var tmp = opt
// opt = { timeout: 2500 }
// if (typeof tmp === 'number') {
// opt.icon = tmp
// }
// }
if (typeof type === 'number') {
timeout = type
type = 'info'
// if (!opt.hasOwnProperty('timeout')) {
// opt.timeout = 2500
// }
let opt = {
content: `<mark class="toast-box">${content}</mark>`,
menubar: false,
mask: false,
type: 7,
fixed: true
opt.toast = true // toast模式
return _layer.open(opt)
loading: function(style, time, cb) {
style = style >>> 0
if (typeof time === 'function') {
cb = time
time = 0
} else {
time = time >>> 0
if (typeof cb !== 'function') {
cb = Anot.noop
return _layer.open({
type: 6,
load: style,
yes: cb,
timeout: time,
menubar: false,
background: 'none',
fixed: true
tips: function(content, container, opt) {
if (!(container instanceof HTMLElement)) {
return Anot.error('tips类型必须指定一个目标容器')
if (typeof opt !== 'object') {
var tmp = opt
opt = { timeout: 2500 }
if (typeof tmp === 'number') {
opt.icon = tmp
if (!opt.hasOwnProperty('timeout')) {
opt.timeout = 2500
if (!opt.background) {
opt.background = 'rgba(0,0,0,.5)'
if (!opt.color) {
opt.color = '#fff'
opt.container = container
opt.content = content
opt.type = 5
opt.icon = 0
opt.fixed = true
opt.shade = false
opt.menubar = false
return _layer.open(opt)
prompt: function(title, yescb) {
if (typeof yescb !== 'function') {
return console.error(
'argument [callback] requires a function, but ' +
typeof yescb +
' given'
let opt = {
type: 3,
prompt: '',
'<input class="prompt-value" data-duplex-focus :class="{alert: !prompt}" :duplex="prompt" />',
fixed: true,
yes: yescb
return _layer.open(opt)
use: function(skin, callback) {
require(['css!./skin/' + skin], callback)
close: close,
open: function(opt) {
if (typeof opt === 'string') {
/*opt = '$wrap-' + opt
if (!layerObj[opt]) {
throw new Error('layer实例不存在')
} else {
if (layerObj[opt].show) {
return opt
layerObj[opt].show = true
if (!Anot.vmodels[opt]) {
layerObj[opt].wrap.style.display = ''
// Anot.scan(layerDom[opt][1])
return opt
} else {
return new __layer__(opt).init.$id
version: Anot.ui.layer
/*type: { // 弹窗类型对应的id值
1: 'alert',
2: 'confirm',
3: 'prompt',
4: 'iframe',
5: 'tips',
6: 'loading',
7: 'msg',
__layer__.prototype = {
dot: {
/* type: { // 弹窗类型对应的id值
1: 'alert',
2: 'confirm',
3: 'prompt',
4: 'iframe',
5: 'tips',
6: 'loading',
7: 'msg',
} */
class __layer__ {
get dot() {
1: 0,
2: 0,
3: 5,
4: 5,
5: 9
timeout: null,
construct: function(opt) {
return {
1: 1,
2: 1,
3: 5,
4: 5,
5: 9
constructor(opt) {
if (opt) {
let { yes, no, success } = opt
delete opt.yes
delete opt.no
delete opt.success
state: { ...opt },
props: { yes, no, success }
this.timeout = null
// 真正的初始化弹层配置
__init__(opt) {
let _id = opt.$id || uuid()
this.init = {
$id: _id,
@ -311,7 +148,7 @@ __layer__.prototype = {
}, 100)
} else {
this.maskClose && this.close()
handleConfirm: function() {
@ -347,16 +184,15 @@ __layer__.prototype = {
if (this.init.state.icon > 9) {
this.init.state.icon = 9
if (this.init.state.type === 4) {
this.init.state.type = 7
return this
create: function() {
// 创建弹层容器及骨架
create() {
let { state, $id } = this.init
let outerBox = document.createElement('div')
let layBox = document.createElement('div')
@ -371,9 +207,19 @@ __layer__.prototype = {
layBox.classList.add('skin-' + state.skin)
if (typeof state.shift === 'string') {
layBox.classList.add('__' + state.shift)
} else {
for (let k in state.shift) {
layBox.style.cssText += `${k}: ${state.shift[k]};`
if (state.type === 5) {
if (state.toast) {
} else {
@ -383,11 +229,10 @@ __layer__.prototype = {
layBox.setAttribute('ref', 'layer')
layBox.setAttribute(':click', 'cancelBubble')
layBox.style.cssText +=
'visibility:hidden; border-radius:' + state.radius + 'px'
// 暂时隐藏,避免修正定位时,能看到闪一下
layBox.style.cssText += 'border-radius:' + state.radius + 'px'
//没有菜单栏, 且未禁止拖拽,则加上可拖拽属性
// 没有菜单栏, 且未禁止拖拽,则加上可拖拽属性
if (!state.menubar && !state.fixed) {
layBox.setAttribute(':drag', '')
layBox.setAttribute('data-limit', 'window')
@ -409,64 +254,57 @@ __layer__.prototype = {
layBox.innerHTML = `
class="layer-content do-fn-cl ${state.icon < 0 ? 'none-icon' : ''}"
class="layer-content do-fn-cl"
${!state.wrap && state.type !== 6 ? ':html="content"' : ''}>
${state.type === 6 ? this.getLoading(state.load) : ''}
${state.type === 6 ? this.mkLoading(state.load) : ''}
delete state.wrap
return [outerBox, layBox]
// getCont: function() {
// let { state, $id } = this.init
// if (state.type === 6) {
// return this.getLoading(state.load)
// } else {
// return !state.wrap ? '{{content | html}}' : ''
// }
// },
getLoading: function(style) {
// 创建loading元素
mkLoading(style) {
return `
<div class="loading style-${style}">
<span class="dot-box">
${repeat('<i></i>', this.dot[style])}
style === 1
? '<i class="do-icon-loading"></i>'
: style === 2 ? '<i class="do-icon-app2"></i>' : '<i></i>',
getMenubar: function() {
let { state, $id } = this.init
// 创建窗口导航条
mkMenubar() {
let { menubar, fixed } = this.init.state
let html = ''
if (state.menubar) {
if (menubar) {
html = `
<div class="layer-title do-fn-noselect"
${!state.fixed ? ':drag="layer-box" data-limit="window"' : ''}>
${!fixed ? ':drag="layer-box" data-limit="window"' : ''}>
return html
getIcon: function() {
let { state, $id } = this.init
if (state.type < 4 || state.type === 5 || state.specialMode) {
return `<span class="do-ui-font msg-icon icon-${state.icon}"></span>`
return ''
// 获取窗口按钮
getCtrl: function() {
let { state, $id } = this.init
if (state.type > 3) {
// 创建窗口按钮
mkCtrl() {
let { type } = this.init.state
if (type > 3) {
return ''
} else {
let html = ''
@ -477,7 +315,7 @@ __layer__.prototype = {
if (state.type > 1) {
if (type > 1) {
btns =
<a href="javascript:;" class="action-no"
@ -493,19 +331,23 @@ __layer__.prototype = {
return html
append: function() {
append() {
let { state, $id, container } = this.init
// 如果有已经打开的弹窗,则关闭
if (unique) {
if (state.type < 4) {
unique = $id
// 返回一个数组,第1个元素是容器,第2个是骨架
layerDom[$id] = this.create()
delete state.toast
this.toast = true
if (!container) {
container = document.body
@ -513,12 +355,13 @@ __layer__.prototype = {
this.vm = Anot(this.init)
return this
show: function() {
show() {
let { state, $id, follow } = this.init
setTimeout(function() {
var style = { visibility: '', background: state.background }
let style = { background: state.background }
let css = getComputedStyle(layerDom[$id][1])
// tips类型, 弹层的定位要在指定的容器上
@ -533,31 +376,46 @@ __layer__.prototype = {
style.left = ol + ew * 0.7
style.top = ot - parseInt(css.height) - 8
style.opacity = 1
} else {
let offsetStyle = { opacity: 1 }
if (state.offset) {
style.top = fixOffset(state.offset[0])
style.right = fixOffset(state.offset[1])
style.bottom = fixOffset(state.offset[2])
style.left = fixOffset(state.offset[3])
offsetStyle.top = fixOffset(state.offset[0])
offsetStyle.right = fixOffset(state.offset[1])
offsetStyle.bottom = fixOffset(state.offset[2])
offsetStyle.left = fixOffset(state.offset[3])
if (style.left === 'auto' && style.right === 'auto') {
style.left = '50%'
if (offsetStyle.left === 'auto' && offsetStyle.right === 'auto') {
offsetStyle.left = '50%'
style.marginLeft = -parseInt(css.width) / 2
if (style.top === 'auto' && style.bottom === 'auto') {
style.top = '50%'
if (offsetStyle.top === 'auto' && offsetStyle.bottom === 'auto') {
offsetStyle.top = '50%'
style.marginTop = -parseInt(css.height) / 2
} else {
style = Anot.mix(style, {
style = Object.assign(style, {
marginLeft: -parseInt(css.width) / 2,
marginTop: -parseInt(css.height) / 2
setTimeout(() => {
setTimeout(_ => {
setTimeout(_ => {
try {
layerDom[$id][1].classList.remove('__' + state.shift)
} catch (err) {}
}, 500)
}, 50)
}, 50)
}, 4)
// loading类型,回调需要自动触发
@ -565,23 +423,197 @@ __layer__.prototype = {
if (state.timeout > 0) {
this.timeout = setTimeout(function() {
this.timeout = setTimeout(() => {
// 为loading类型时,自动关闭同时触发回调
if (state.type === 6) {
}, state.timeout)
} else if (state.type === 6) {
// loading类型, 非自动关闭时, 主动触发回调
const _layer = {
alert: function(content, title, cb) {
let opt = { content, fixed: true }
if (typeof title === 'function') {
opt.yes = title
} else {
if (title) {
opt.title = title + ''
if (cb && typeof cb === 'function') {
opt.yes = cb
return _layer.open(opt)
confirm: function(content, title, yescb, nocb) {
let opt = { content, fixed: true, type: 2 }
if (typeof title === 'function') {
opt.yes = title
if (typeof yescb === 'function') {
opt.no = yescb
} else {
if (title) {
opt.title = title + ''
if (yescb && typeof yescb === 'function') {
opt.yes = yescb
if (nocb && typeof nocb === 'function') {
opt.no = nocb
return _layer.open(opt)
toast: function(txt, type = 'info', timeout = 2500) {
if (typeof type === 'number') {
timeout = type
type = 'info'
switch (type) {
case 'info':
case 'warn':
case 'error':
type = 'deny'
type = 'info'
let opt = {
content: `
<mark class="toast-box style-${type}">
<i class="do-icon-${type}"></i>
menubar: false,
mask: false,
type: 7,
shift: 'tc',
offset: [50, 'auto'],
fixed: true,
toast: true // toast模式
return _layer.open(opt)
loading: function(style, time, cb) {
style = style >>> 0
if (typeof time === 'function') {
cb = time
time = 0
} else {
time = time >>> 0
if (typeof cb !== 'function') {
cb = Anot.noop
return _layer.open({
type: 6,
load: style,
yes: cb,
timeout: time,
menubar: false,
background: 'none',
shift: 'ct',
fixed: true
tips: function(content, container, opt = {}) {
if (!(container instanceof HTMLElement)) {
return Anot.error('tips类型必须指定一个目标容器')
if (!opt.hasOwnProperty('timeout')) {
opt.timeout = 2500
if (!opt.background) {
opt.background = 'rgba(0,0,0,.5)'
if (!opt.color) {
opt.color = '#fff'
Object.assign(opt, {
type: 5,
fixed: true,
mask: false,
menubar: false
return _layer.open(opt)
prompt: function(title, yescb) {
if (typeof yescb !== 'function') {
return console.error(
'argument [callback] requires a function, but ' +
typeof yescb +
' given'
let opt = {
type: 3,
prompt: '',
'<input class="prompt-value" data-duplex-focus :class="{alert: !prompt}" :duplex="prompt" />',
fixed: true,
yes: yescb
return _layer.open(opt)
use: function(skin, callback) {
require(['css!./skin/' + skin], callback)
close: close,
open: function(opt) {
if (typeof opt === 'string') {
/*opt = '$wrap-' + opt
if (!layerObj[opt]) {
throw new Error('layer实例不存在')
} else {
if (layerObj[opt].show) {
return opt
layerObj[opt].show = true
if (!Anot.vmodels[opt]) {
layerObj[opt].wrap.style.display = ''
// Anot.scan(layerDom[opt][1])
return opt
} else {
return new __layer__(opt).init.$id
version: Anot.ui.layer
Anot.directive('layer', {
priority: 1400,
init: function(binding) {
@ -11,30 +11,28 @@
.do-layer {width:auto;height:auto;
.layer-box {position:absolute;}
a {text-decoration:none;}
.layer-box {left:50%;top:50%;z-index:65535;
.layer-box {position:absolute;z-index:65535;opacity:0;
&.shift {transition: all .5s ease-out;}
&.shift {transition: all .3s ease-in-out;}
&.__tc {top:0;left:50%;}
&.__tl {top:0;left:0;}
&.__tr {top:0;left:100%;}
&.__ct {top:50%;left:50%;}
&.__cc {top:47.5%;left:50%;}
&.__bc {top:100%;left:50%;}
&.__bl {top:100%;left:0;}
&.__br {top:100%;left:100%;}
&.scale {transform:scale(1.02);transition:transform .1s linear;}
/* 默认皮肤 */
&.skin-def {padding:15px 10px;border-radius:3px;color:#666;font-size:14px;box-shadow:0 5px 20px rgba(0,0,0,.3);
.icon-0::before {content:"\e674";color:nth($cr, 1);} // question
.icon-1::before {content:"\e610";color:nth($ct, 1);} // get
.icon-2::before {content:"\e6f8";color:nth($cb, 1);} // happy
.icon-3::before {content:"\e6fd";color:nth($co, 1);} // sad
.icon-4::before {content:"\e6f6";color:nth($co, 1);} // warn
.icon-5::before {content:"\e673";color:nth($ct, 1);} // face
.icon-6::before {content:"\e636";color:nth($cgr, 1);} // time
.icon-7::before {content:"\e623";color:nth($co, 1);} // star
.icon-8::before {content:"\e604";color:nth($cr, 1);} // mute
.icon-9::before {content:"\e605";color:nth($ct, 1);} // unmute
&.skin-default {padding:15px 10px;border-radius:3px;color:#666;font-size:14px;box-shadow:0 5px 20px rgba(0,0,0,.3);
/* 弹层标题栏 */
@ -51,9 +49,6 @@
&:focus {border-color:nth($ct, 1)}
.msg-box {line-height:30px;}
&.none-icon .detail {margin:0 auto;}
@ -98,29 +93,36 @@
.layer-content {min-height:40px;height:40px;padding:0}
.toast-box {display:inline-block;position:relative;min-height:40px;padding:5px 8px 5px 50px;line-height:28px;border:1px solid nth($co, 1);border-radius:3px;background:#fffbed;color:nth($co, 3);word-break: break-all;
.toast-box {display:inline-block;position:relative;min-height:40px;padding:5px 12px 5px 50px;line-height:28px;border-radius:3px;word-break: break-all;
&::before {position:absolute;left:15px;top:5px;font:20px/28px "ui font";color:nth($cr, 1);content:"\e6f6";}
&.style-info {border:1px solid nth($ct, 1);background:#edfbf8;color:nth($ct, 3);}
&.style-warn {border:1px solid nth($co, 1);background:#fffbed;color:nth($co, 3);}
&.style-deny {border:1px solid nth($cr, 1);background:#fffbed;color:nth($cr, 3);}
>i {position:absolute;left:12px;top:5px;line-height:28px;font-size:26px;}
/* 内置几种loading动画 */
.loading-box {position:relative;width:100px;height:100px;margin:auto;
.loading {position:relative;width:100px;height:100px;margin:auto;
.dot-box {position:absolute;display:block;}
/* 常规的转动 */
&.style-1,&.style-2 {
.dot-box {width:70%;height:70%;margin:15%;-webkit-animation: circle 1.3s infinite linear;-moz-animation: circle 1.3s infinite linear;animation: circle 1.3s infinite linear;
&::after {content:"\e648";font:70px/1 "ui font";}
.dot-box {width:70%;height:70%;margin:15%;line-height:70px;font-size:70px;text-align:center;
i {display:block;width:100%;height:100%;}
&.style-1 {
.dot-box {animation: circle 1.3s infinite linear;}
&.style-2 {
.dot-box::after {content:"\e64a";}
.dot-box {animation: round 1s infinite linear;}
/* 频谱波动 */
@ -182,6 +184,8 @@
&.mask {position:fixed;z-index:65534;left:0;top:0;width:100%;height:100%;background:rgba(0,0,0,.3);
&.shift {transition: all .5s ease-out;}
.layer-box {position:absolute;}
&:active {z-index:65536;}
@ -190,55 +194,32 @@
@-webkit-keyframes circle {
to {-webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);}
@-moz-keyframes circle {
to {-moz-transform: rotate(360deg);}
@keyframes circle {
to {transform: rotate(360deg)}
to {transform: rotate(360deg)}
@-webkit-keyframes circle2 {
70%,to {-webkit-transform: rotate(405deg);}
@-moz-keyframes circle2 {
70%,to {-moz-transform: rotate(405deg);}
@keyframes circle2 {
70%,to {transform: rotate(405deg);}
70%,to {transform: rotate(405deg);}
@-webkit-keyframes bounce {
25% {-webkit-transform: scaleY(1.3);}
50% {-webkit-transform: scaleY(.6);}
@-moz-keyframes bounce {
25% {-moz-transform: scaleY(1.3);}
50% {-moz-transform: scaleY(.6);}
@keyframes round {
from,24.99%, to {transform:rotate(0deg)}
25%,49.99% {transform:rotate(90deg)}
50%,74.99% {transform:rotate(180deg)}
75%,99.99% {transform:rotate(270deg)}
@keyframes bounce {
25% {transform: scaleY(1.3);}
50% {transform: scaleY(.6);}
@-webkit-keyframes grid {
36% {-webkit-transform: scale(.1);opacity:.3}
60% {-webkit-transform: scale(1);opacity:1}
@-moz-keyframes grid {
36% {-moz-transform: scale(.1);opacity:.3}
60% {-moz-transform: scale(1);opacity:1}
@keyframes grid {
36% {transform: scale(.1);opacity:.3}
60% {transform: scale(1);opacity:1}
25% {transform: scaleY(1.3);}
50% {transform: scaleY(.6);}
@keyframes grid {
36% {transform: scale(.1);opacity:.3}
60% {transform: scale(1);opacity:1}
Reference in New Issue