define(['yua'], function(){ function Router(){ this.table = {get: []}; this.errorFn = null; this.history = null; this.hash = ''; this.started = false; this.init = {}; } var defaultOptions = { prefix: /^(#!|#)[\/]?/, //hash前缀正则 historyOpen: true, //是否开启hash历史 allowReload: true //连续点击同一个链接是否重新加载 }; var isMouseUp = true; var ruleRegExp = /(:id)|(\{id\})|(\{id:([A-z\d\,\[\]\{\}\-\+\*\?\!:\^\$]*)\})/g; Router.prototype = { error: function(callback){ this.errorFn = callback; }, config: function(opts){ if(this.started) return console.error('Router config has been set'); this.started = true; if(!opts.allowReload) opts.historyOpen = true; this.init = yua.mix({}, defaultOptions, opts); }, _getRegExp: function(rule, opts){ var re = rule.replace(ruleRegExp, function(m, p1, p2, p3, p4){ var w = '([\\w.-]'; if(p1 || p2){ return w + '+)'; }else{ if(!/^\{[\d\,]+\}$/.test(p4)){ w = '('; } return w + p4 + ')'; } }) re = re.replace(/(([^\\])([\/]+))/g, '$2\\/').replace(/(([^\\])([\.]+))/g, '$2\\.').replace(/(([^\\])([\-]+))/g, '$2\\-').replace(/(\(.*)(\\[\-]+)(.*\))/g, '$1-$3'); re = '^' + re + '$'; opts.regexp = new RegExp(re) return opts; }, _add: function(method, rule, callback){ if(!this.started) this.config({}); var table = this.table[method.toLowerCase()]; if (rule.charAt(0) !== "/") { console.error('char "/" must be in front of router rule'); return; } rule = rule.replace(/^[\/]+|[\/]+$|\s+/g, ''); var opts = {}; opts.rule = rule; opts.callback = callback; yua.Array.ensure(table, this._getRegExp(rule, opts)); }, _route: function(method, hash){ var hash = hash.trim(); var table = this.table[method]; var init = this.init; if(!init.allowReload && hash === this.history) return; if(init.historyOpen){ this.history = hash; if('lastHash', hash); } for(var i = 0, obj; obj = table[i++];){ var args = hash.match(obj.regexp); if(args){ args.shift(); return obj.callback.apply(obj, args) } } this.errorFn && this.errorFn(hash); }, on: function(rule, callback){ var _this = this if(Array.isArray(rule)){ rule.forEach(function(it){ _this._add('get', it, callback); }) }else{ this._add('get', rule, callback); } } } yua.bind(window, 'load', function(){ if(!yua.router.started) return; var prefix = yua.router.init.prefix; var hash = location.hash; hash = hash.replace(prefix, "").trim(); yua.router._route('get', hash); }); if('onhashchange' in window){ window.addEventListener('hashchange', function(event){ if(!isMouseUp) return; var prefix = yua.router.init.prefix; var hash = location.hash.replace(prefix, "").trim(); yua.router._route('get', hash) }) } //劫持页面上所有点击事件,如果事件源来自链接或其内部, //并且它不会跳出本页,并且以"#/"或"#!/"开头,那么触发updateLocation方法 yua.bind(document, "mousedown", function(event){ var defaultPrevented = "defaultPrevented" in event ? event['defaultPrevented'] : event.returnValue === false if (defaultPrevented || event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey || event.which === 2) return var target = while (target.nodeName !== "A") { target = target.parentNode if (!target || target.tagName === "BODY") { return } } if (targetIsThisWindow({ if(!yua.router.started) return; var href = target.getAttribute("href") || target.getAttribute("xlink:href"), prefix = yua.router.init.prefix; if (href === null || !prefix.test(href)) return yua.router.hash = href.replace(prefix, "").trim(); event.preventDefault(); location.hash = href; isMouseUp = false; } }) yua.bind(document, "mouseup", function(){ if(!isMouseUp){ yua.router._route('get', yua.router.hash); isMouseUp = true; } }) //判定A标签的target属性是否指向自身 //thanks function targetIsThisWindow(targetWindow) { if (!targetWindow || targetWindow === || targetWindow === '_self' || (targetWindow === 'top' && window == { return true } return false } yua.ui.router = '0.0.1' return yua.router = new Router; })