/** * 会话模块 * @author yutent * @date 2020/09/24 11:18:23 */ import { uuid, sha1 } from 'crypto.js' import RedisStore from './lib/redis-store.js' const DEFAULT_CONFIG = { ttl: 3600 * 24 * 7, domain: '', // NODESSID域, 默认等于domain level: 0, // 校验级别, 0: 不校验客户端, 2: ua, 4: ip, 6: ua + ip db: { host: '', port: 6379, db: 0 } } // 会话安装包 export const SessionModule = { name: 'session', install(conf = {}) { if (!conf.domain) { throw new Error('Please make sure to set the `domain` field') } let session = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_CONFIG, conf) this.set({ session }) // 这里只创建session的存储器, 而初始化操作在中间件中进行 return new RedisStore(session) } } // 会话中间件 export function createSession() { return function (req, res, next) { let opt = this.get('session') let cache = req.cookie('NODESSID') let deviceID = '' let ssid // options请求不处理会话 if (req.method === 'OPTIONS') { return next() } // 校验UA if (opt.level & 2) { deviceID += req.header('user-agent') } // 校验IP if (opt.level & 4) { deviceID += req.ip() } if (deviceID) { deviceID = sha1(deviceID) // ssid 最后16位是指纹 if (cache) { if (cache.slice(-16) === deviceID.slice(-16)) { ssid = cache } else { ssid = uuid('') + deviceID.slice(-16) } } } else { ssid = cache || sha1(uuid()) } res.cookie('NODESSID', ssid, { maxAge: opt.ttl, httpOnly: true, domain: opt.domain }) // 缓存ssid到req上 req.ssid = ssid this.$$session.update(ssid) next() } }